Dear NAACP:Two years ago this week, Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coastforcing hundreds of thousands from their homes and laying bare the deep,persistent poverty and racial inequality that still exists in ourcountry today.Tens of thousands are still living with the aftermath of the hurricanes:FEMA trailers that are making residents sick because of unacceptablehigh formaldehyde levels, a lack of medical and mental health services,a public education system that has been seriously disrupted, and noassistance for rebuilding their homes.But you and I have a powerful opportunity to make sure that this is notanother year of neglect for the people of the Gulf Coast.Click here to tell Congress to keep their promise to Katrina survivors.In the next few days, Congress will return from recess with 60 days todecide on the 2008 Federal Budget, including continuing funds for GulfCoast recovery efforts and assistance for Katrina survivors. But, thePresident's budget proposal does not provide adequate funding for manyof the key programs that provide housing, education and health careassistance in the region.The President's budget does not renew the $500 million Social ServiceBlock Grant to help hurricane ravaged areas of the Gulf Coast fund childwelfare, employment services, and other state and local social programs. And neither the President's budget nor any proposals from Congressinclude additional funds for The Road Home, a program designed to helpthose displaced by Katrina and Rita with housing issues, even thoughthis program was forced to stop accepting applications on July 31stbecause of a $5 billion shortfall.Tell Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi to increase funding for the Gulf Coast.We are approaching a moment of truth. In the next 60 days we'll findout if those politicians were telling the truth when they made all their
and livelihoods, or if they were just taking advantage of the victims ofKatrina for political gain.The NAACP's local and regional branches are working hard to ensureproper health care, legal representation, education, and housing in theGulf Coast. The NAACP arrived on the stricken Gulf Coast before thefederal government responded and we've been there ever since. As wefought for our inalienable rights during the civil rights movement wemust now fight for the rights of the residents New Orleans Lower NinthWard. We must hold all elected officials accountable for rebuilding theLower Ninth Ward and other devastated areas.Congress has an opportunity to act with conviction and help hundreds of thousands put their lives back together. Let's make sure that they do just that.
Julian BondChairman
and livelihoods, or if they were just taking advantage of the victims ofKatrina for political gain.The NAACP's local and regional branches are working hard to ensureproper health care, legal representation, education, and housing in theGulf Coast. The NAACP arrived on the stricken Gulf Coast before thefederal government responded and we've been there ever since. As wefought for our inalienable rights during the civil rights movement wemust now fight for the rights of the residents New Orleans Lower NinthWard. We must hold all elected officials accountable for rebuilding theLower Ninth Ward and other devastated areas.Congress has an opportunity to act with conviction and help hundreds of thousands put their lives back together. Let's make sure that they do just that.
Julian BondChairman
thank you for the info and Happy Birthday Michael.
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